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From Sherri Connell’s journey–



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Anonymous; In a Sea of Chemicals–How I deal with MCS–


drom fragrances pictures drom fragrances pictures
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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“The Chronic Illness Sufferer’s Dilemma: To Post Or Not To Post, That Is The Question”




Deb  Seely Interviewed by Channel 7 KOAM
Missiouri,  May 05, 2013 8:34 PM EDT
By Lindsey Henry and Rudy Harper, Reporters


Environmental illness
Environmental illness (Photo credit: live w mcs)

Chemical sensitivity also know as environmental illness has affected millions of people in America, today walks are held to raise awareness about the illness.

Just being able to smell, can be taken for granted.

“I don’t go around people that are scented I don’t go around my apartment very often” says Deb Seely who suffers from environmental illness.

Deb Seely has been suffering for 3 years with multiple chemical sensitivities, meaning she becomes sick around people who wear scented perfumes or if she’s exposed to chemicals.

“I use different products than most people do I use more natural products I don’t take most medicine because their chemicals when I leave the apartment I wear a mask”Seely.

Chemical sensitivity is a chronic complex multi-organ illness, symptoms triggered by a single massive chemical, or repeated low level exposure to toxic chemicals like mold and it can strike without regard to age, race, gender or economic background.

“I feel like the world is passing me by and I can’t participate in the world” says Seely.

To raise awareness cities across the country are holding walks for environmental illnesses.

“were trying to make people more aware that this is real and there are a lot of people suffering from this” says Gail Hurlbut, walk organizer.

I feel very blessed to be able to be out here today to be strong enough and well enough because months ago I couldn’t have at all so I am walking for those who cant walk” says Leesa Robinson, another walk organizer.

With no specialist in the area to treat this illness, those who are suffering find other means to deal with the pain and just to reassure people that this illness is real seely has this message.

“What’s wrong with me that someone is willing to believe I am crazy as oppose to them not wearing a perfume, that’s aggravating” says Seely.

You can find more information on our web site about the illness and how you can help people who are suffering.

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From a Yellow Canary of the 21st century, living in our disabling biosphere