Ecological Building Materials

For modern-day Canaries, a safe haven means having a healty environment to dwell in.  Their home is the one place to be a healthy and safe environment for the him/her and the family to live in and grow.

Many homes are neither energy efficient nor designed and built to create a healthy living atmosphere.  Many materials that are commercial available are harmful to the environment.  For example, many of these materials emit high levels of carbon emissions produced from the space and water heating systems utilized.

safe home


The following web site offers some healthy solutions:


For energy efficiency, there are alternative roof insulations:


THE TINY PROJECT is a stellar example of what can be done to live simply and suitably.  A tiny house was built  to show that it can be done while promoting a safer, simpler, more conscious, debt-free life.  It is about considering alternative, affordable and sustainable ways of  living.  Alek Lisefski made it possible and has made the Tiny Project constructionplans available to other.





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From a Yellow Canary of the 21st century, living in our disabling biosphere